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  • Writer's pictureannette steiner

Socially Relevant Branding

So you want to get social with your brand? First make sure you are using the platform to your brand’s advantage. Lots of companies do not understand the pull a brand can have on social media and make the mistake of using it as a calendar of events or an unwanted task that aunt Betty can take care of in her spare time.

Social media is a place to build a brand’s voice. You want your social media to speak to the consumer’s heart and head. And consistency is the key. It is true that social media can look like the wild west but if your social page doesn’t have a consistent theme that speaks to your audience and makes them want and need to see your next post you’re doing it wrong.

Go look at some of the companies that “GET” social right. Here is one example.


Dove showcases images and videos of women from all walks of life with various skin tones to prove that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. They aim to help every woman feel confident in her skin by breaking down harmful stereotypes and unrealistic expectations.

Message – Dove is committed to helping all women realize their personal beauty potential by creating products that deliver real care.

Vision –

Dove believes that beauty should be for everyone, because when you look and feel your best, you feel better about yourself.

Be a Social Success and stand out from your competition by standing above it with:

Clear goals for every post you publish – on every platform.

  • Consistently and frequently engage with your audience and followers.

  • Sharing more user-generated content, featuring consumers as the heroes in your stories and promotions.

  • Get creative and innovative.

  • Create campaigns that are meaningful and authentic that translate to be powerful, inspirational, and relatable.

  • Use your Brand Voice: a consistent tone, style, photography, designs, and branding in your posts and across different platforms.

  • Provide value over promoting your products or services.

Now go to the party, get social and make friends.

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